Does prehistoric “Moby Dick” sperm whale dethrone the mighty Predator X?

Forget about the satwater crocodile: Forget about Sarcosuchus, the 30 foot long prehistoric SuperCroc: Forget about today’s white sharks: Forget about the prehistoric shark C. megalodon: Forget about the mighty T-Rex: When it comes to the Bad Dude of Bites, no creature that ever lived can match the mighty pliosaur called Predator X: Thought to have … Continue reading

The BP Gulf Oil Disaster-Send in the Microbes!

As readers of my Extreme Science blog know, I try to bring to people’s attention the environmental disaster Earth’s ocean’s face if humanity doesn’t radically change its relationship to our planet. Here are some past posts on the subject: We’re Killing Our Oceans Global Warming and the Loss of Earth’s Coral Reefs The Moral Math … Continue reading

Meet the creature that eats its own brain!

The sea squirt is one of my favorite sea creatures.  When I was a young boy, I first met my first one in a tidal pool in Laguna Beach, California.  I remember bending down close to examine it, and like any kid, I gave it a gentle poke.  Imagine my surprise when it squirted me … Continue reading

Meet the Amazing Salp

The first time I saw a photo of a colony of salp, I thought it was a picture of something from a science fiction movie: As a science and nature writer, I’ve become familiar with many sea creatures over the years. But somehow, I had never come across the salp before. What in the heck … Continue reading

Amazing Oxygen-Key to Planetary Life

One of the best science books I read in 2009 was Life Ascending: The Ten Great Inventions of Evolution by biochemist Nick Lane. Although I think I have a good basic understanding of fundamental biological processes, I didn’t find the book an easy read, frankly. This is no criticism of Lane’s writing. The biological processes … Continue reading

The Red Demons of the Sea of Cortez

The fishermen of the Sea of Cortez in Mexico are said to call it Diablo Rojo, or Red Demon. They tell of fishermen who have fallen into the water and been dragged to horrible deaths, their bodies never recovered. The object of their fear and respect is one of the more formidable predators in the … Continue reading

We’re Killing Our Oceans

As readers of my blog know, I’m passionate about saving our environment from the effects of human pollution and reckless industrialization. In Global Warming and the Loss of Earth’s Coral Reefs I discussed the scientific evidence for the disastrous effects of ocean warming and increasing CO2 in ocean water on our planets reefs. In The … Continue reading

Amazing Creatures-Weird Fish With Transparent Head

This is the first in a series of posts I’m going to call Amazing Creatures.  And what better way to start off, than with a fish with a transparent head! Pictures of this bizarre fish were first taken in 2004 but not released until 2009.  You can find great pictures and an explanation of the … Continue reading